7 Reasons Why Your Website Isn’t Generating Leads

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Many blog posts on the Internet may tell you how to generate traffic to your website effectively. You may use online advertising, influencer marketing, SEO, brand development, or any other traffic generating strategy. 

However, the aim of digital marketing isn’t only to get a lot of visitors. You must create content that will captivate your readers and turn them into prospective buyers.

Why isn't my website generating leads?

A variety of factors contribute to your company website’s conversion rate being low or non-existent. Examine the causes listed below and begin making changes!

1. There are no calls to action

Visitors arrive at your landing page to read the text. So, what’s next? If you don’t offer them a cause to stay, they’ll go.

Visitors will leave your site quickly if you don’t offer them a clear sense of what you want them to do. In other words, you need a compelling call to action.

Make it clear what you want visitors to do when they arrive at your site. If you’re attempting to get more email newsletter subscribers, tell them to “Subscribe Now,” and if you want them to purchase anything, tell them to “Add to Cart.” Place the call at the top of the page or near the top.

It might be a brightly coloured button or an interactive form that users fill out and submit. Whatever it is, it must be visible and easy to understand.

2. Landing pages or sales pages that are too complicated

A landing page or lead form should not require visitors to figure out where they need to take the next step. It won’t capture the leads you want if the call to action is hidden at the bottom of the text or the contact form isn’t fillable.

Keep lead generation pages simple and ensure that they function every time someone visits them. Maintain a clean, uncomplicated design with few visuals and fields. 

Separate the essential information from the secondary information by placing it in front of the visitor’s eyes. Only ask for the data you need in the contact form. Visitors may close your site and go on to another site if it takes too long to finish.

3. You're just guessing, not measuring

It isn’t easy to manage things without taking measurements. There are two common mistakes that website owners make.

The first is that they don’t keep track of website activity, and the second is that they don’t want to go through the findings. Furthermore, many website owners understand the significance and value of data measurement, but they do not consider how they should examine data and what should be examined.

If you find yourself in a similar position, consider your goal and the factors that may help you achieve it. You’ll have to go back a bit to figure out the important KPIs and the best approach for achieving the goal. This process can be challenging, especially in competitive markets. For Singapore, take a look at SEO CoPilot for a tool to help you remove the guessing game out of whether your links indexed on Google.

It will assist you in increasing your score and to make adjustments and maintain your website fine-tuned to the requirements of your consumers, you must examine data regularly.

4. Difficult to Navigate

One of the explanations your landing page or form should have a basic design is because a complicated layout may divert attention away from the important content. Numerous eye-tracking tests have shown a preference for scanning a web page rather than reading each text.

You risk losing the reader’s attention—not to mention a potential lead—if these places lack the call to action and other essential information.

The F shape, in which the essential information is located across the top of the page and down the left side, is one of the most successful layouts. 

Break up extra details into sub-headers or bullet points, so it’s simple to read, and place your headlines at the top with a call-to-action or form on the right. This setup suits most people’s scanning patterns, making lead-generating aspects difficult to overlook.

5. Incomplete or inadequate material

You only have a few seconds to turn a website visitor into a paying client, and you have even less time to create a strong first impression. If the tone or substance of the text does not connect with the visitor, they will not believe it was written just for them.

You will make it even worse with unclear information or bad spelling and punctuation. Don’t let shoddy content scare away your most important prospects.

Talk about your product or service as a solution to the issues that prospects are having. Adjust the tone and style of your target demographic, and be as informal or as technical as they are.

Before publishing, proofread and edit your work, or pay someone to do it for you. 

People get more engaged with a business when its material connects with them. Consequently, they are more inclined to desire to learn more.

6. It isn't compatible with mobile devices

Some prospective leads want to convert but cannot do so because they are using a mobile device to visit a desktop site. Mobile devices are increasingly being used by individuals and companies to buy, read the news, and communicate with service providers. As a result, your lead-generating efforts must follow this pattern.

Start with responsive design! This ensures that landing pages and contact forms display correctly on various devices, including smartphones and tablets.

Rather than waiting for customers to come home and visit your site from their desktop computer, a mobile approach enables you to reach out to them. You can convert them no matter where they are.

7. Users think you are NOT trustworthy

If your visitor does not perceive you as a reliable source for purchasing goods, they will not be willing to make a purchase. So, what are you doing to gain your consumers’ trust? 

You can gain the confidence of your customers using many methods, including testimonials, articles, relevant PR references, reviews, and more. Using the website’s safety symbol is also beneficial. You must show your customer that you are a reliable business.

Final Thoughts

If one of your marketing objectives is to generate leads, it may be discouraging when you don’t receive the desired results. However, if your site has any of the problems listed above, it is doable to fix.

It would help if you made it crystal clear what you want them to accomplish. You must guarantee that your services, products, and testimonials are clear. Finally, tailor your offerings according to what your visitors really want. 

You may use the tips mentioned above to boost conversion. However, if you’d like to leverage nearly a decade of digital marketing & CRO (conversion rate optimisation) experience, give our friendly team a call or drop us a message to organise your free strategy call.

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