Overcoming the Coronavirus hurdle

To ensure the safety and overall well-being of Marketing One and our customers, our office will remain temporarily closed during this time.

We're Going Remote!

We have implemented best practices by working from home and will be utilising state of the art communication tools to remain connected to our customers. These include Skype & Microsoft Teams, phone and email, to make sure all parties are kept updated with the latest Coronavirus developments. Being a digital marketing agency, digital is in our DNA, as such we have a strong work ethic & culture to remain fluid and adaptable to the current increase in demand from our clients looking to re-target specific areas of their digital marketing. The recent COVID-19 changes have not disrupted our work or our continued support of our clients and remain focused on our client’s growth & overcoming the current challenges we’re all facing.

We understand everyone is experiencing different challenges during these times, and if you have any additional ideas as to how we can better support you and your business, please reach out by emailing [email protected]. We promise to review all suggestions with open eyes, and we’re prepared to listen to your concerns and discuss all possible solutions to tackle this challenge together.

To receive the latest developments in regards to COVID-19, please view the below link from the Australian Government: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert.

Are you a struggling business?

The Australian Government is rolling out a number of support packages to provide for our local businesses and to try and keep them afloat. With support packages being rolled out on a regular basis, discuss with our team today on how you can re-position yourself within the market without the additional marketing expense.

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